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Ningbo National High Tech Zone Chamber of Commerce visited factory of Zhejiang Risun for Exchange Activities

Views: 9     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-11-23      Origin: Site

On the morning of November 4, a delegation of more than 20 people led by Ningbo National High tech Zone Chamber of Commerce visited Ruisheng Smart Dojo to carry out intelligent manufacturing exchange activities. Accompanied by the leader of our management center, Mr. Liu, the director of the Smart Dojo, was responsible for the whole explanation. Through field visits, exchanges and learning, we can understand the content of the intelligent manufacturing integration factory, expand the new path of enterprise development, and integrate Ningbo and businesses to win the future.


The Chamber of Commerce in Risun Intelligent factory

At Ruisheng Intelligent factory, members of Ningbo National High tech Zone Chamber of Commerce visited the application of Ruisheng's intelligent 3-D storage system, intelligent suspension system, intelligent sorting material system, etc. in clothing manufacturing, the actual operation content of AI digital twin enabling platform and MES system, and the working environment and process flow of contemporary workers with the help of intelligent intelligent manufacturing system, Have a preliminary understanding of the current domestic advanced software technology and landing hardware equipment.


Later, the group came to the Risun Smart Conference Room for communication, and our management center colleagues gave a detailed introduction to the development of Risun smart devices. After that, the two sides discussed and exchanged views on the development status of intelligent manufacturing industry, Ruisheng intelligent equipment product system, and its role in helping Ningbo local Ningbo merchants.


Ningbo businessmen are integrated to win the future. Through such exchanges, we can promote the cooperation and support of upstream and downstream enterprises in the industry, form an industry community, share information, and work together to cope with changes in the market environment. With the enterprise vision of "becoming the world's leading intelligent manufacturing solution", Ruisheng Smart cooperates with leading enterprises in the industry for common progress with excellent technology research and development strength and the spirit of keeping improving service. At the same time, it integrates advanced technology, intelligent equipment and effective management methods into a set of effective intelligent manufacturing solutions to help small, medium and micro garment enterprises and even promote the upgrading and transformation of the industry.

This is the responsibility of Risun and the goal of all Risun people to create a win-win future with customers!
