  86-0574-88868969
  +86 18375852311  +92 3317752719
Big Data Integration System
  • Performance Analysis

    Provides a report of the results of the actual manufacturing process and compares it with historical records and desired goals.

  • Document Management
    Management and distribution of records and documents related to products, process specifications, designs or work orders, and the preservation and maintenance of production history data.
  • Product Traceability
    Obtain a historical record of each product by monitoring the position and status information of the workpiece at any time, which can be traced up to the material component, or traced to the end product.
  • Data Capture

    Collect and organize operational data and process material information from people, machines, and underlying controls to obtain forms, records, or parametric data for internal production operations.

  • Equipment Management

    Provides a report of the results of the actual manufacturing process and compares it with historical records and desired goals.

  • Production Scheduling
    The operation of sending materials or processing orders to a processing unit to start a process or step through production instructions.
  • Quality Management
    Real-time analysis of information collected from the manufacturing site, tracking and analysis of the quality of the processing process, to ensure product quality.
  • Production Monitoring
    Monitor the production process, guide the factory's workflow, and improve processing efficiency and quality.